Get To Know Us...
Mila Long: CAS, RP, BTS, DBT-C, PRC, ADS, CRAFT Faciiltator
Mila Long is a passionate person in recovery committed to creating health and wellness for individuals, families, & communities. Mila is a Substance Abuse Counselor/ Addiction Specialist, Registered Psychotherapist, Brain Spotting Trauma Therapist, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Counselor, Peer Recovery Coach, & Acu-detox Specialist.
Through Empowered Family Recovery, Mila specializes in working with the person actively using or recovering from Substance Use &/or Co-Occuring Disorders. Mila provides a compassionate, nonjudgemental, & knowledgeable approach as a Clinician, bringing forth her own lived-experience as a person in long-term recovery from Substance Use Disorder. Mila has had outstanding success in relating to & connecting with teens & young adults (up to 35 years old).
Mila's goal as a therapist is to help people get "un-stuck," by rediscovering their purpose & finding meaning in their lives again. She believes that Substance Use Disorder is a relationship, a co-dependent one at best, & breaking the ties is a huge & scary leap. Mila prides herself on her ability to walk people through this process.
Mila has received 2 Community Service awards through Boulder County Public Health & Boulder County Community Services in Colorado for her role in serving the community. She has been an instrumental part of helping families heal through her work running a Private practice, as well as her tireless work facilitating the CRAFT Program & Empowered Family Recovery's individualized family program.
Trina Faatz: MA, PFS, PPRC, BPRC, ADS, SBIRT Certified, CRAFT Facilitator
Trina is a Certified Peer & Family Specialist , Parent Peer Recovery Coach, Benzodiazepine Recovery Coach, & Acu-Detox Specialist, as well as a long time CRAFT Facilitator. She has worked with over 500 families in assisting them with coaching, resources & psychoeducation on substance use & opioid use disorder.
Through Empowered Family Recovery, Trina's role is to work individually with the parents/ family members who have a loved-one struggling with Substance Use &/or Co-Occurring Disorders. Her expertise lies in family & parent coaching and community resources. She is a tireless advocate for child welfare, addiction recovery & prevention, & family wellness.
Trina is passionate about, & is well versed in, the struggles & challenges facing youth & parents today. Her own daughter struggled with severe substance misuse & opioid addiction, as did several of her friends' teens. Having navigated the system, treatment options, & intervention services, she was able to create her own treatment module, rebuilding her own family's relationships & trust. Her daughter is now thriving as professional in this field as well.
Trina was the Opioid Outreach Navigator for Boulder County Community Health for 7 years & facilitated the shared leadership coalition for the county known as the Substance Use Advisory Group (SUAG). And in 2018, Trina founded the substance use high school education program, Youth in Recovery. In 2022 her program was the proud recipient of the CO State of the State Youth Mental Health Award. This program brings addiction education & stories of recovery to High school classroom audiences year round!
Also a a member of the Board of Directors for Natural Highs over the last 7 years, Trina has been involved in brining alternative choices & lifestyles to youth & their families, as well as Acupuncture-Detoxification services to the community for recovery & healing. She also works closely with several school districts & the Parent Engagement Network to provide support to parents, resources & referrals, & education around addiction.
Trina's family is now a beautiful example of success, & she has dedicated her life to helping others find the same.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

"I'm Not Telling You It Is Going To Be Easy, But I Am Telling You It Is Going To Be Worth It..."
"Recovery Is The Only High That Keeps Getting Better As You Do It"
Both Mila & Trina have found purpose through their unique personal recovery experiences -
★ Mila enjoys a substance-free lifestyle & finds true meaning in helping others explore happiness without drugs & alcohol. Mila's favorite quote, "The meaning of life is to find your gift, The purpose of life is to give it away."
★ Trina cherishes the success her family has found since recovering together from her daughters Substance Use Disorder, & see's her role helping other families not as "work," but as her purpose in life. Trina shares the quote, "You may see me struggle, But you will never see me quit!"
Mila & Trina communicate on a daily basis to collaborate & provide a team approach to serve the clients of Empowered Family Recovery. ​Having over 15 years of experience combined in this field, & having served thousands of clients between the two of them -
Mila & Trina value the work that they do & are dedicated to the success of their clients.
Both professionals enjoy hiking, skiing, & spending time in nature with their dogs
& families in their home State of Colorado.
Below we have included photos of the two looking out at the Rocky Mountains in Grand Junction, CO.